signature field for elementor form

signature field for elementor form


signature field for elementor form


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The Digital Signature add-on allows you to add a digital signature field to your contact forms, enabling users to sign forms electronically.

Note: This plugin requires Elementor Pro


Easy to use
Set the field to “required”
Control the size of the signature field
Control the background and color of the signature field
Clear signature
Undo signature
Redo signature
Send signature to email
It works in all modern desktop and mobile browsers
Integrates seamlessly with elementor pro form
Seamless Signature Integration Integrate a signature field seamlessly into your Elementor forms, allowing users to sign directly on your website.

Customizable Signature Field Customize the signature field appearance (color, background, width, and height) to align with your website’s design.

Touchscreen and Mouse Support Ensure compatibility across various devices, allowing users to sign using touchscreen devices or a mouse.

Additional information

Support and Updates

Documentation Included, Personalized support not included, Updates included



Compatible Versions

Tested up to version 5.7


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